I am the Chancellor and Vice President of the University of Illinois Springfield. I served in senior leadership roles at two public regional universities prior to my arrival at UIS.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The latest buzz on a student union
As many of you know, the buzz is out and about building a student union at UIS. Many of our students, faculty, and staff are trying to inform everyone with the facts and there are a lot of things you are probably wondering. … “Like how much? Who would have to pay for it? What would be in it? Where will it be located?” Many of your answers can be found at this link. I hope members of the campus community will attend one of the open forums that have been scheduled to discuss the student union initiative. I agree with our student leaders that we need a student union – a central gathering place for our campus community. The student union will be for everyone and would greatly enhance campus life here at UIS. Student government is holding a referendum on April 19th. If you are a UIS Student, please vote!