I am the Chancellor and Vice President of the University of Illinois Springfield. I served in senior leadership roles at two public regional universities prior to my arrival at UIS.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Trick or Treat …UIS Style
On October 31 most every
child in the U.S. gets excited about that special costume and going door to
door to get lots of candy. My brothers and sister and I used to make a
huge haul every year in our small town in South Dakota. UIS students go door to
door on Halloween, too, except they have a different style of trick or
treating. They collect canned goods or non-perishable items for the
Central Illinois Food Bank. It’s the kick off for the UIS Holiday Stars
Project, coordinated by the UIS Volunteer & Civic Engagement Center.
Wednesday night over 150 students and many UIS employees participated in this
important annual event. If you don’t think they have fun giving back to
our community, you need to check out the pictures and the video of the
night. This is Trick or Treating UIS style!!